- toMeteorology ColloquiumIntra-Urban Heat Variability in Baltimore City
- toMS Thesis DefenseProjecting Future Changes in Extratropical Transition of Atlantic Hurricanes in Earth System Models
- toMeteorology ColloquiumTBA
- toOral Comprehensive ExamAdvancing Our Ability to Model the Surface-Atmosphere Interactions in Urban Environments: Model Development Informed Through Observations and High-Resolution Simulations
- toMeteorology ColloquiumTBA
- toHussey Commemorative Lectureship in MeteorologyTBA
- toMeteorology ColloquiumTBA
- toMeteorology ColloquiumSpring Break - No Colloquium
- toQualifying ExamAn Investigation of Subsiding Shells in Simulations of Tropical Thunderstorms
- toMeteorology ColloquiumThe Weather of the Gettysburg Campaign
- toMeteorology ColloquiumCoastal Tropical Cyclone Activity Under Climate Change
- toQualifying ExamA Hybrid Theory for the Dimensional Growth and Hollowing of Ice Crystals
- toMeteorology ColloquiumThe MONAN Program: Developing the Next Generation of Climate and Weather Forecasts for South America
- toPhD Thesis DefenseLand and Ocean Contributions to United States Summertime Precipitation
- toPhD Thesis DefenseEvaluation of Urban Atmospheric Boundary Layer Simulations with Ground-Based Doppler Lidar
- toKen Reeves Memorial Weather BriefingAssociate Professor, Penn State
- toMeteorology ColloquiumThe JCSDA Community Radiative Transfer Model (CRTM)
- toKen Reeves Memorial Weather BriefingGraduate Student, Penn State
- toMeteorology ColloquiumThe Tornado Outbreak of May 31, 1985: Looking Back at One of Pennsylvania's Deadliest Weather Events
- toKen Reeves Memorial Weather BriefingLead Meteorologist, NWS State College
- toMeteorology ColloquiumCan AI Weather Models Predict Out-of-Distribution Gray Swan Tropical Cyclones?
- toMeteorology ColloquiumThe Legacy of Dr. Warren M. Washington, the Climate Crisis, and the Changes in Late 21st Century Saharan Dust in North Africa
- toSpecial EventHilton New Orleans Riverside
- toPhD Thesis DefenseAssimilating NASA Impacts Data for 7 February 2020 Storm to Improve WRF Winter Cyclone Prediction
- toOral Comprehensive ExamEvaluating and Expanding Statistical-Dynamical Downscaling Methods to Improve Landfalling Tropical Cyclone Risk Assessment
- toOral Comprehensive ExamQuatifying Electrical Discharges and Their Impacts
- toMeteorology ColloquiumU.S. Offshore Wind Metocean Conditions Characterization
- toOral Comprehensive Exam"Application of Advancements in Observation of the Planetary Boundary Layer Using Dual-Polarization Radars"
- toOral Comprehensive ExamApplication and Analysis of a Novel Ice Crystal Trajectory Growth (ICTG) Model to a Tropical Cyclone Eyewall
- toMeteorology ColloquiumImproving Mesoscale Forecasts of Winter Precipitation: Results from Stochastic Physics Experiments and Field Campaign Observations
- toOral Comprehensive ExamImproving the Understanding of Snow Particles in the Eyewall and Rainbands of Hurricane Dorian Using Microwave Ice Scattering Databases for Various Microphysics Schemes
- toOral Comprehensive ExamAssessing Urban Greening and Albedo Modification as Strategies to Mitigate Heat-Related deaths in Baltimore, Maryland
- toMS Thesis DefenseRelating Polarimetric Radar Measurements to Quasi-Linear Convective System Cold Pool Properties and Damage Potential
- toOral Comprehensive ExamAdvancing Methods for Source-Specific Quantification of Carbon Dioxide Fluxes in Urban Settings
- toMeteorology ColloquiumTop-Down and Bottom-Up Development of Climate Models
- toPhD Thesis DefenseAssessing the Role of Parameterized Turbulence on Tropical Cyclones and the Mean Climate in the Community Earth System Model
- toKen Reeves Memorial Weather BriefingPhD Student, Penn State Meteorology
- toMeteorology ColloquiumIntegration of Vantage Points, Programs, and Approaches for Space-Based Earth Remote Sensing
- toKen Reeves Memorial Weather BriefingThere will be no briefing on Monday, November 11th
- toMeteorology ColloquiumIce Crystal Growth at Cirrus Temperatures: Measurements and New Theories
- toKen Reeves Memorial Weather BriefingPresident, Campus Weather Service
- Meteorology ColloquiumAerosols and Their Influence on Clouds
- toKen Reeves Memorial Weather BriefingHydrologist/Hydrometeorologist
- toKen Reeves Memorial Weather BriefingLecturer, Penn State Meteorology
- toSpecial EventSharing Scientists' Stories: A Conversation with Meteorologist Biographers
- toMeteorology ColloquiumWeather and Climate Simulation with State-of-the-Art Physics-Informed AI Algorithms
- toKen Reeves Memorial Weather BriefingResearcher, Penn State Meteorology
- toMeteorology ColloquiumTropical Cyclones: Climate Change, ENSO and the Tropical Pacific
- toKen Reeves Memorial Weather BriefingLead Meteorologist
- toOral Comprehensive ExamInvestigating the Dimensionless Parameters Controlling Horizontal Convective Roll Aspect Ratios Over Land
- toMeteorology ColloquiumDevelopments in Quantifying Uncertainty from Bayesian Convolutional Neural Networks as Applied to Synthetic Passive Microwave Retrievals
- toQualifying ExamThe Scale Dependent Practical Estimates of Convection Velocity in Turbulent Canopy Flows
- toMeteorology ColloquiumAerosols and Droplets: Fundamental Particles in our Evolving World
- toThesis DefenseInvestigating the Characteristics and Dynamics of Convective Updrafts in Tropical Cyclone Rainbands
- toKen Reeves Memorial Weather BriefingAssistant Teaching Professor
- toTarbell Lecture in MeteorologyThe Earth System and its Many Scales: A View from Biosphere up to Atmosphere and Back Down Again
- toKen Reeves Memorial Weather BriefingM.S. Graduate Student, Penn State Meteorology
- toMeteorology ColloquiumHuman Influence on the Large-Scale Atmospheric Flow in Recent Decades
- toKen Reeves Memorial Weather BriefingAssistant Teaching Professor, Exec. Producer of Weather World
- toMeteorology ColloquiumHuman Footprints in the Sky: Exploring the Impact of Land Use on the Boundary Layer and Beyond
- toOral Comprehensive ExamImproving Surface Flux and Boundary Layer Modeling with Land Surface Remote Sensing for State Air Quality Planning
- toOral Comprehensive Exam"Leveraging Rossby wave breaking to understand mechanisms generating extreme weather in past and future climates"
- toOral Comprehensive Exam"Examining Recent Surface Temperature Trends"
- toOral Comprehensive Exam"Assessing climate model applications at multiple spatial scales"
- toThesis Defense"Laboratory Measurements of Small Ice Crystal Growth Rates at Low Temperatures"
- toOral Comprehensive Exam"Improving a Diabatic Lagrangian Analysis Technique with Observations from Balloon-borne Sondes to Explore the Relationship Between Supercell Thermodynamics and Baroclinically Generated Circulation"
- toMeteorology Colloquium"Weather Warning Outreach and Communication in the 21st Century"
- toSpecial Event6-8 pm via Zoom
- toOral Comprehensive Exam"Convection Initiation over Coastal Regions: Supporting Environment and Physical Causes over Coastal Texas"
- toMeteorology Colloquium"What Sets the Latitudinal Precipitation Distribution?"
- toSpecial EventVirtual Career Day - Spring 2022 (March 22, 6-8 PM, via Zoom)